
A Pittsburgh Wedding Videography Blog

What’s black and gold and sugar coated all over? The Pittsburgh Cookie Table!! 

So, picture this: you’re at a wedding in the Steel City, juggling your camera gear like a boss 📸💪, when you stumble upon a sight that sends your taste buds into overdrive. There, in all its glorious splendor, lies a table bursting with an abundance of cookies. 🍪

My naive self stood in amazement at the sheer number of cookies and snacks. AND THE SMELL. LAWDDDDDDDD.

Imagine me, a Pittsburgh implant, blissfully unaware of this delightful tradition until I stepped foot into the world of wedding videography in this amazing city. And let me tell you, from that moment on, my life was forever changed. 🙌✨

One thing I learned quickly was that a Pittsburgh Cookie Table is just at a wedding as, well, the bride and groom!

But hold onto your teeth, cause we’re about to dive deep into the tantalizing history and tradition of this Pittsburgh phenomenon. 

Legend has it that the Pittsburgh Cookie Table emerged from the Great Depression. Weddings have always been expensive, but in a time where families struggled to keep a roof over their heads, costs had to be cut wherever they could. But, despite the uncertainty of the economy, love still prevailed and couples still wanted to get married! For families that could not afford a wedding cake, the tradition of family bringing cookies was established.

Whether true or not, the city’s vibrant immigrant communities are a large part of the rich culture and history. Families came together and filled their celebrations with homemade goodies to express their love and gratitude.

As time went on, the tradition evolved, molding itself to reflect the diverse tapestry of the burgh’s population. Today, at a typical Pittsburgh wedding, you’ll find hundreds (yes, hundreds!) of cookies, lovingly baked and arranged like a freakin’ masterpiece. It’s a sight that’ll make your taste buds breakdance. It has even evolved into entire cookie ROOMS!!! A ROOM… FULL OF COOKIES…

Not only is the Pittsburgh Cookie Table a visual feast, but it’s also a symbol of love, community, and good ol’ fashioned Yinzerness. 🖤💛

But this Pittsburgh wedding videographer isn’t just capturing cookie tables, bestie. I’m capturing moments, emotions, and all the messy, beautiful imperfections that make each wedding a glorious hot mess. 

Whether it’s the hysterical laughter of the newlyweds sneaking cookie bites, the tear-filled hugs from long-lost relatives, or the wild dance moves defyin all laws of gravity, I’m there with my camera, ready to capture it all in its authentic glory.

So, whether you’re a cookie devotee, a native Pittsburgher, or a clueless transplant like moi, let’s raise our cookies high and celebrate the mind-blowing magic of the Pittsburgh Cookie Table. Let’s pay tribute to the history and tradition that brings us together, one delicious bite at a time. 

Until next time, keep spreading the sass, shaking some ass, and remember your to-go container, babes. 

And (one last shame filled plug), if you need a Pittsburgh wedding videographer willing to tackle anyone who messes with the cookie table before I get some shots of it… you know where to find me 😉🎥

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Hey! I'm Mara, a neurospicy creative with not enough hours in the day for all of my crazy ideas.  Check out some of the fantastic weddings I have been a part of as a Pittsburgh, PA based wedding videographer!


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